Something like Gypsies

One newly uprooted family and their modern gypsy-like adventures, sprinkled with a wild baking-itch, and an obsession with crafts and projects.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Keeping up...

There are so many weights on our time. We all mean to sit down and send an email, or make a phone call ...tomorrow. So I thought I would make it a little easier. I would love to drop everyone a line and let each know how we are doing and what is going on in our lives, but lately it seems that I only have time to do homework and chase Evelyn.

So, here's the scoop: Spring Quarter ends next week (2nd week of June) and Jason will be finished with his credential. He will have to participate in a program for 2 years at whatever school he is teaching at in order to actually recieve his credential. In other words, we can't leave California for 2 years. He has had an offer to teach Social Science at Barstow in the Fall, and everything seems to moving ahead. For the first time in 5 years, Jason will get a short reprieve from school: he gets the summer off! He doesn't have to take anymore classes. He will soon have to teach them, though...

I, on the other hand, do not yet get a break. I have 1 week between finals and the beginning of the Summer Quarter. Yeah. For those of you who do not know, I have not had a break since I was pregnant with Evelyn - I took classes through my pregnany and delivery and post-partum. Anyway, I think that I get to take the Fall quarter off...

So, on to what most of you are wondering about: what is Evelyn doing? She has been walking since 11 months, and is experimenting with differing paces.......yeah, fun. She is quite a mimic. There are a sleugh of words that are in her vocabulary - whether or not she chooses to use them is of a different matter. She CAN say please and thank-you. She can also say: more, up, down, done (w/ hand gestures), ball, book, baby, mommy, daddy, grandpa, eye (know's where it is, too), nose (knows this one as well), milk, bye-bye, pretty... and if you catch her in the right mood, she will try to repeat any word you give her. Like I said, she is quite a mimic.
Let's see, she has a pool that is 6-feet long, and 3-4 feet wide and about 2feet in depth capacity (although they never want you to fill it that full). She thinks that this pool is the greatest thing, and even if she has chills and her 9 teeth are chattering, she continues to roam from end to end chasing the ball and saying "Wee!".
If you are wondering about personality, you should all be ecstatic to know that she is her mother's daughter. Which means that she is very willful and headstrong, she is persistent and determined (notice the terms I use, rather than stubborn). She is a tough one, doesn't cry unless it really hurts, which means that I often find unexplained scratches and cuts. She like to play in the dirt, and always likes to find where her boundaries REALLY are. Many of you may be snickering as you read this description, although I haven't the foggiest idea why! Evelyn may be a challenge at times, but that is because she will be a challenger. She is already quite charismatic, and I have no doubt that she will grow up to be a interesting as her mother. ;) Anyway. There should be a link to some pictures somewhere around here...

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