Something like Gypsies

One newly uprooted family and their modern gypsy-like adventures, sprinkled with a wild baking-itch, and an obsession with crafts and projects.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"Nesting", eh?

More like countdown. I think the concept of 'nesting' is just an over-glorified term for trying to hurry and make sure that everything is done and prepared for the baby's arrival. It hits whenever, but for some of us, it intensifies in the last couple months as your realize that your TO DO list is longer than your remaining days!! In my case, the list also encompasses those many things that I know that I will not be able to do anymore once I have 2 kids. You know, those silly things like sewing, sleeping, cleaning, showering, painting, scrapbooking,...did I mention sleeping? Just when am I gonna find time to do these things? Oh, and then there is that little matter of a small business that I own and pretend to run! And of course since there are so many things to do, I can't remember anything else. I can't focus on a movie long enough to follow the storyline because new additions to my to-do list keep popping into my head! I finished a nursing shall, and I made sheets for both of the girls (blankets are just too hot), and I am about to finish a diaper stacker. I started a puzzle that I would someday like to finish and hang in the girls room, but for now it is just sharing the kitchen table with my sewing machine. I have been working on scrapbooks for both of them, while also trying to get some jewelry made.

Don't get me wrong, I am WAY excited to meet my new little one, but I am just not in a hurry for her to arrive - but I don't really want her to be later, either. She is supposed to arrive 2 weeks from today, September 16th.

So, for now, I am planning on going with my momg to a Women of Faith Conference this weekend, down in Anaheim, and I'm excited about that. And on the way home, Jason & I are going to a Gem Faire (it only comes conveniently close once a year) and hope to be able to get a few things.

Today is Jason's first day back to school, teaching in his OWN classroom, too. I can't say that I am looking forward to the lonely days, but at least he is done with school and doing what he studied for.

Well, that's my little blurb. Don't know if I mentioned that we are planning on naming the baby Olivia Dawn (Stever).

1 comment:

Suzysoo said...


Love the profile pic. What a beautiful little girl.And the video of her slurping water up is adorable. Bless her.

I happened upon your blog via the tag 'making stuff' cos thats one of my favourite pastimes. My house is full of bits of ribbon, thread, bits of material, beads etc all waiting to be turned into something lovely if I ever get a spare minute again!

I also love cross-stitch, though beading has taken over for the last couple of years as projects complete more quickly!

I'm going to go and look at your jewellry stuff now, and good luck with birth of newbie very soon. Good luck also with getting it all done before the birth.

Best wishes, see ya.