Something like Gypsies

One newly uprooted family and their modern gypsy-like adventures, sprinkled with a wild baking-itch, and an obsession with crafts and projects.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Breaking the Routine

Things are okay here, pretty monotonous, and to try to break the routine requires an ENORMOUS effort, and is usually pretty exhausting! We have spent the better part of this week trying to figure out what is in our garage. (We, meaning the girls and I -Evelyn is 20 months, and Olivia is 1 month). As you can imagine, OIivia naps on the job, and Evelyn normally counteracts what progress I DO make. But, the garage, with it's new milk and juice spills, and lollipop sticky marks, is still cleaner than we found it! Evelyn even decided to re-fragrance it today, yeah, "throw-up" wouldn't have been my scent of choice, but she was the one to decide. But, really, it's been fun! We go in white, and come out black, especially Evelyn, who manages to get the stuff permanently stuck to herself. She has been wearing the same clothes everytime we go in there, because I am so afraid she will do the same thing to the rest of her clothes, and I just can't afford that!!
Evelyn loves to follow in my footsteps, really, I turn around and knock her down constantly! Sometimes she just hangs on to my pantlegs so that she doesn't fall behind! She even climbs on the stool behind me. She has a great tendency to stand PRECISELY in the way! If I need to move something, she is standing where it goes. Anyway, I am drained after such an adventurous week.

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