Something like Gypsies

One newly uprooted family and their modern gypsy-like adventures, sprinkled with a wild baking-itch, and an obsession with crafts and projects.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleep, birds, worms, and acrobatically aspiring toddlers!

As if I get any sleep as it is, my sweet, sweet toddler has learned that fine are of climbing out of her crib. It is rather sadistically amusing, actually: she gets to the top, and then falls over the edge and lands on the floor with a "thud". Oh, yes. I am so very proud of my young accomplished child, . But really, coupled with the fact that she is finally tall enough to reach the doornob, she has decided that she needs to be an early bird, to get some mythical worm, that seems to be in my bedroom, beneath the sheets. At least that is where she is looking for it, because that is the first place that she goes upon waking. She has startled me from sleep a myriad of times, at which point she proceeds to tell me, "All done sleep, mommy. All done.". Just who's sleep is she speaking of? Hers, I think, but there is an uncanny parallel to mine!! It's not as though I spent all night waking every couple hours to feed a screaming baby or anything. Ugh. Ever elusive sleep! I got more sleep a few months ago when Olivia was first born, before she got a cold and developed the irritating habit of waking every couple hours, and before Evelyn saw need to wake up at 5:30am, much more, before she discoved that she could climb out of her crimb to visit me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah yes! I think Mason was about her age when he also began to climb out of his crib. At first I was extremely irritated (but I also didn't have a new baby at the time), he would get up do early. Since then, there's been a progression of independence. He's learned to turn on the TV and he's learned how to open and raid the fridge. SO, at night we set the TV to disney channel and leave a cup of milk in the fridge for him (sometimes a banana within reach). This allows us at least another hour of sleep :)

But when it comes to unwarranted advice, I'm there with you. I don't get it very often, but I do know the feeling of people telling you "a better way" of raising your children.