Something like Gypsies

One newly uprooted family and their modern gypsy-like adventures, sprinkled with a wild baking-itch, and an obsession with crafts and projects.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What do modern gypsies look like?

Would they look like me? Haha!
After 2 years of being too busy to post, what with papers, exams, small children and another pregnancy, I have found my way back here. Where'd everybody go?
Anyway, my family has recently become gypsies, or so I like to call ourselves because "homeless" has such a terribly alarming clang to it. We sleep in hotels or with relatives. We would have got a trailer, but it was gonna cost a coupla grand to install a tow hitch to our minivan (or so we were quoted).
We aren't really tied anywhere since my husband was let go from his job in July. We gave notice, packed up and toted our junk for three days before leaving it in Colorado. We get much better gas mileage now! So we hung around Colorado for a couple weeks before moving on to North Eastern Montana, where we stayed in my sister's unfinished basement, which wouldn't have been too bad except my brother-in-law kept the AC so cold we thought it was the middle of WINTER down there! We were wearing wool socks, fleece pants and thermal shirts to bed, then wearing shorts and tank tops to go outside! It was fun, though, and we were blessed to have somewhere to stay, and it was nice to visit my sister after 2 years of absence.
So, what dragged us from the beautiful, isolated farming country of N.E. Montana? A death in the family. So, after all our trekking, we made our way, (sick, tired and throwing up) back to So. California. We decided to stay through the holidays, mostly for the kid's sake, but we needed a break as well.
And here we are. What do we do now? Where do we look for work? And how long can we handle living with my husband's parents? I don't know.

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